
Let's Discover What It's Like "Down Under"

CALLING ALL WORLD TRAVELERS! Let's go check out Australia and see what life is like in that country. (Especially since we will be having ePals from there!) What kinds of animals do they have? What is the climate like? What do they do for fun?

Task: Post a comment that tells two things you learned about Australia AND one way Australia is different from the United States.


JT said...

Two things I learned about Australia are that they have severe weather in the form of typhoons and hurricanes.
Australia is different from the United States because they don't have many mountain ranges or arctic regions.

EF said...

2 Things I learnd about Australia are.....
They have good Food and fine wine.

And its Diffrent from the U.S. because, they do not have alot of water.

EF said...

JT- I see you said they have severe wether, I never knew that!

JF said...

Two things i learnd about Australia
are that they can store their food well in hot weather and that in Southern Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. One way Austalia is different from the US is Australia has a much warmer climate.

JL said...

Two things i learned about Australia are...
Australia is diffrent from the United States because Australia is a hot place but some parts are cold and the United States is hot in the summer not on and off.Also Australia has snowy mountains so maybe you can climb them.

CF said...

i learned that Australia has alot of water . And hotter weather than the us

mf said...

in Astraila you can find a snowy mountin.And you can mostly find mountins in Alaska.Queen island is known as a holiday place.In amarica you usialy go to a family members.